
Our Feedback

Customer feedback from our agents:

"All viewers are genuinely impressed with the outstanding quality of finish on offer.”

"Buyers have been hugely impressed with the energy efficiency of the homes.”

"Spectacular, unbelievable, beautiful, dream house. Just some of the words used to describe the homes."

“This is really the house of our dreams – so close to Lisburn and the kids’ schools but with a real feeling of space and luxury. We’re so happy with our purchase.”

Facebook comments for the Fairfields Show House:

"O wow this is stunning"
"Isn’t it amazing"
"House goals"
"Drove past this the other day…WOW"

Some feedback from one of our purchasers at Harberton to our kitchen supplier Janice at Alwood: "Just to let you know how delighted I am with our kitchen. I know that in life material objects are just that - but this kitchen makes me soo happy!!! Everyone loves it & our family life is transformed!!! Thank you so much - you are a genius!!" Natalie Clarke